Tag Archives: #nfl

“Good NFL Town” vs. “Bad NFL Town”


Easy Arash… “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

I’ll be honest… I used to like Arash Markazi’s reporting but he’s obviously pushing an NFL agenda with his reporting lately and it is just bad for journalism.  I do finance for a living and I crunch numbers.  So when paid hacks start tossing insults my city’s way without any research; I like to pull out the simplest of statistics…. especially for the slow ones.  If they work for the @NFL then they are probably slow which means we should just use really simple apples to apples numbers.  Let’s compare home attendance for Pittsburg and San Diego just for shits and giggles because Pittsburgh is such a grrrrreat football town grrrr and San Diego is just a bunch of fair weather beach-goers bro.

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The numbers don’t lie.  Even though Steeltown has had a way better team more consistently and San Diego has had to deal with the shittiest owners in the league and banana-peal shenanigans year in and year out; San Diego has sent 1,238,837 more fans through the turnstiles than the 6 Time Champions Pittsburgh Steeler Franchise in the past 12 years.  I could go back further but that would be really embarrassing for the NFL and Pittsburgh and this says enough.  BTW – No offense Pittsburgh; I respect the heck out of you… well I did before I crunched these numbers… Jesus; your moves are weak! I take that back… you’re shitty, fair-weather fans. Your football street-cred is officially revoked.


To be honest, San Diego was pretty consistently awesome in supporting the San Diego Chargers despite the Spanos dysfunction.  They’ve insulted our icons(Seau, LT, Brees, etc.), they’ve refused to pay our best players or rookies(Harrison, Brees, Rivers, Bosa, Merrimen, etc.), and the Spanos Family refused the tax payer funded stadium we offered to build them in Mission Valley last year(2016) because they wanted it downtown.  If the rest of the country knew that the NFL ripped our team after we offered to build them a stadium in Mission Valley but Dean didn’t like the location; there would be national outrage.  The NFL has spent millions on keeping that quiet and trying to control the narrative.  I bet the NFL’s leash gets a lot shorter with Deano when the bean-counters start crunching numbers.

Unfortunately for the NFL, they chose the wrong fan-base to bad mouth.  San Diegans don’t like that shit.  If you’ve never been to San Diego listen up…  “Slow down, shut up, respect the locals, and leave quietly.”  It is that simple… Dean Spanos chose poorly and so did the NFL and now they are reaping the whirlwind of karma.  They could’ve left quietly but they chose to kick the fans while we were down.  You want to take a crack at our politicians; fine… but you insulted San Diego Fans @NFL… you insulted one of your oldest and most loyal fan bases.  Ya done fucked up! This is going to be a season-long dumpster fire the likes of which the league has never seen.


As you can see below; even the guy who was paid to throw San Diego under the bus doesn’t actually believe it.  The national media is fucking weak-sauce!  What happened to honest journalism?  Fuck you National Media Dicks!


Bullshit Facemask Call Highlights Bad Refs… Again!

Bullshit Facemask Call on Rodgers

With all due respect to the #NFL but do you guys ever take off your “Bad-Idea Pants”?  When Belichick suggested that all plays be reviewable this off-season; who was the dipshit that said, “No, we’re not interested in getting all of the calls right.  We’ll just issue an apology the next day and tell people to move on.  It’s better that way and it will keep the game moving.”  In response to that let me just say, “Fuck You” from SD Nation that has been Hochulied or called for “Roughing the fucking center” which was never called before or after that night and was later reviewed and found to be the incorrect call… which happens routinely.

The Detroit Lions started playing not-to-lose and we all know that a prevent defense actually prevents your team from winning so I called the loss an hour before this shitty call but that doesn’t excuse the shitty state of NFL refereeing.  It’s a goddamn travesty to have these dipshits running a multi-billion dollar industry that we care about so damn poorly.  I mean are they actually trying to come up with bad ideas?  Who’s fucking idea was it to suspend Brady for the same amount of time as a dude that knocked out his wife on camera?  Was there absolutely no one near Roger Goodell that might’ve suggested that this was a bad idea?

#NFL Management, you are obviously being run by our parents generation because you lack sincerity, ingenuity, forward thinking, and so much more.  This is evident in your stupid NFL Robot that is 20 years old, your unwillingness to set up goal line and sideline cameras(dipshits – ever hear of GoPro), suspending players for smoking pot(christ you’re stupid #NFL) when it has been proven that it has medicinal properties specifically relating to recovery and head trauma… did I mention legal in several states?, the unwillingness to accept brain injuries resulting from the sport(how fucking dumb are you?), the lack of women having influence at the management level(oh you hired some window dressing after the Ray Rice incident… too little too late again you dipshits), which all leads to very poignant questions…

  1. Did the #NFL hire people to come up with these bad ideas?
  2. Is the #NFL rigged for TV ratings outcomes?
  3. Is the NFL just run by really dumb people?

My guess is #3 unfortunately.  =/