Tag Archives: nfl

RIPsandiegochargers.com is LIVE


As a born & raised San Diegan, my loyalty is not for sale.  I am still a football fan, but I am currently an NFL nomad with no home team.  My gear is the sickest around and I spent a sizeable amount of time and money collecting my shit so burning was not an option.

I have coordinated uniforms for entire divisions of safety services here in San Diego and with the amount of props I received last year; this was a no-brainer.  I get stopped everywhere asking where they can get this gear.  Well, now it is available @ www.RIPsandiegochargers.com

My team was ripped from my hometown by some cheap-ass carpetbaggers looking to make a quick buck, but they can’t steal my San Diego pride!



Want your SD Chargers Gear Fixed?


San Diegans had the sickest NFL Gear Around… Period!  San Diego Chargers Gear is still LEGIT but you gotta fix it so people know you rep San Diego and do NOT support Dean Spanos and the LA Chargers!

If you want your gear fixed; please contact us via email adam@sandiegosportswire for details.  Each logo is $25 plus shipping unless you want to drop it off and pick it up in PB. Turn around time is about a week.



The “LA” Chargers… A Bridge Too Far


Feb. 6, 2017 – “Before the election, ratings for NFL games had declined 12% year-over-year, according to analysts at MoffettNathanson. And for much of the season, every NFL primetime offering — on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays — was down by double digits.”

Aug. 20, 2017 – “There were 21,000-plus for the opener vs. Seattle and up to 5,000 of them were Seahawksfans. Witnesses were unsure how many Saints fans were at Sunday night’s hardly jam-packed Exhibition No. 2, but not enough.”

Aug. 20, 2017 – “Word is the Spanoses are upset with attendance. Don’t know why. If they did research — and they hadn’t just knee-jerked themselves out of town for a money grab — they would have known.”

Empty Stub Hub Center for Pre-Season 2017

Let’s start off by calling a Spade a Spade.  The people who run the NFL are not smart people.  Most of them are trust fund kids or come from old money which means they really have no fucking clue about actual society or how to run a successful business.  Do you ever wonder why these idiots make the worst football decisions?  They just aren’t smart. Yes, they have a lot of money from the expansion of a game created by their intelligent predecessors, but these fucktards have an uncanny ability to make the worst social and business decisions known to man.  You could not pay someone to come up with bad ideas that these guys just have in the wings waiting… every day of the week.


Now, let’s visit this whole “LA Chargers” thing. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  After a year where NFL RATINGS WERE DOWN BY DOUBLE DIGITS, these fucking morons decided to alienate an entire NFL market. The “LA Chargers” are dead to San Diego and were never alive in Los Angeles to begin with.  The Spanus family can buy all of the tattoos they want, but there is no real fan support for this team in LA.  There really isn’t and let’s dive in to that a bit more because these people are fucking scum.

The cheapest former HC in the NFL… Courtesy of The Spanus Clan in their “Fight for SD”! LOL

The Spanos family and the NFL hired PR firms who employ internet trolls and companies with fake Facebook accounts.  The NFL is either too stupid to realize that the Spanos family hired PR firms to alienate the San Diego fanbase or they consented.  Either way, the NFL looks really bad for allowing a 56 year old franchise to move and then allowing the owner’s sons to hire internet trolls to defend it.  All around, it is a terrible look for the league which many are saying is going to be a major tipping point for the NFL in the court of public opinion.  Government officials are reportedly getting wary of the NFL’s antics… after all, Senators and Congress Reps have hometown loyalties too.

That old adage of, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” certainly applies here in my humble opinion.  The NFL failed; not once, not twice, but three previous times in LA.  It is a transplant city where people are about as loyal as your goldfish.  It is not a community to build around an NFL franchise and that is why all three franchises relocated out of that city.  These people really aren’t smart.  This is what happens when you get a bunch of people in a room together who have no clue how the NFL or society functions effectively.  It is astonishing to see the amount of hubris at work here, but this is the current fad.  Calgary’s Olympic Park salutes the resources the NFL and the Spanus family have dumped in to this effort!

  • NOTE TO ST. LOUIS – KARMA Bitches! The reason you didn’t get to finish the debt servicing on the new stadium you lured the Rams to St. Louis with 20 years ago is because of Karma, you team stealing hacks.  You should’ve gone after your original team(Cardinals) and maybe this wouldn’t have happened.  At least you got a Super Bowl Ring jerks. 

Now back to the idiots running this league…  Did any of these rich fuckers mention “the fans” when the idea of relocation came up? No, of course not.  These prissy rich kids couldn’t think their way out of a paper-bag let alone have empathetic thoughts about people in a different economic circle(You, me… aka Fans).  The only thing this league thinks about under current ownership & management is, money.  Cold, hard cash.

Charger Country was NUKED by the NFL… “For the Fans” apparently.

If the league was a true American pillar of society, the NFL would pay for its own stadiums and aid the communities with financing… as opposed to fleecing these cities which don’t even get the team named after them.  Should we ask the cities if they like getting ZERO RECOGNITION for putting up hundreds of millions in tax dollars?

  • Santa Clara 49ers… Nope
  • New Jersey Giants… Nope
  • New Jersey Jets… Nope
  • Arlington Cowboys… Nope
  • Carson City Chargers… Nope
  • Glendale Cardinals… Nope

So after your gutless politicians fall all over themselves to give all of your tax dollars to the NFL, you don’t even get the naming rights!? How is that American?  The NFL has become the modern day Big Tobacco.  We know the NFL is physically dangerous but now it is fiscally dangerous(Tax Dollars) and mentally dangerous(CTE).  The NFL is going to get what it deserves and is going to find out the hard way that you don’t mess with San Diegans.  There’s a reason San Diego is America’s Finest City and both the NFL and the country are going to see this on display until the Spanus family is forced to sell and the bolts are returned to San Diego.

  • Did ANYONE in the NFL front office think about the loss of the song, “San Diego Super Chargers”? No, of course they didn’t.  They’re fucking morons.  The NFL lost its best song but NFL owners don’t listen to music so I guess it isn’t a surprise.  I digress… 

In layman’s terms… this franchise move was a really bad fucking idea.  The Spanus family are a bunch of fucktards who alienated themselves in San Diego.  You must be a complete prick of a family when every other rich prick in this town hates you and mobilizes to crush your dreams & business.  Last year’s Joey Bosa contract issue was just a microcosm of what these assholes are really like… combine this type of genius with that think-tank of a front office called the NFL and you get results like 2 Game Suspensions for Wife Beaters, or 56 year old franchises moved without support, or team doctors trying to drag down the whole league’s medical staff because they won’t admit to SOP’s of doctors transporting controlled substances(prescriptions) across state lines(Illegal). These people are not smart, they make stupid fucking decisions that 10 year olds know how to avoid, and then they lie about it and tell everyone, “It’s all about the fans!”


Hey NFL and Spanus Family…. GO FUCK YOURSELVES! Your ratings are going to be worse than last year and it is going to be awesome watching this dumpster-fire all season!

Spanos Family
Spanus Cartel aka Rich Kids W/O a Clue!

NOTE: Yes, I know their name is Spanos… Sounds eerily like ANUS… Get it now?

Here’s a suggestion for Spanos: Just go

Dean Clown car

By Mark Zeigler at the SDUT: Repost because this is too good!

So now Dean Spanos says he’s closer to moving the Chargers to Los Angeles than staying in San Diego.

Here’s a one-finger, two-letter suggestion: Go.

Move. Do it. Dare you.

It’s all so predictable, the threats, the bullying, the crying wolf. We heard them at this time last year, as NFL owner meetings and ballot deadlines were approaching. We heard it earlier this month from national media, unidentified team “sources” whispering that the Chargers have never been closer to exercising their Jan. 15 option to join the Rams and Kroenke-world in L.A. Now Spanos lets it slip Sunday that “I’m waiting for the city of San Diego,” that if it somehow doesn’t act now, if it doesn’t cook up a plan that bleeds taxpayers of hundreds of millions of dollars for a new stadium so he can charge higher ticket prices and get even richer, if it doesn’t accede to his demands, he’s moving.

Scout’s honor. This time he means it.

So call his bluff. See if he’s really holding that pair of aces.

See if he’s really going to be the second team in a metropolis that hasn’t embraced the first. See if he’s really going to play for a few seasons in a 25,000-seat stadium and sacrifice all that ticket revenue. See if he’s really going to rent in someone else’s palace. See if he’s really going to cultivate a whole new fan base and sign new corporate sponsors and build a new training facility. See if one of the cheapest owners in the NFL is really going to pay the $550 million relocation fee? See if he’s really going to a place where he’ll have the third most popular NFL team (behind the Rams and Raiders) while competing for market share with two NBA, two Major League Baseball and two NHL franchises along with two major colleges.


Go. Move. Do it. Dare you.

Read more…

Bosa Holdout is Finally Over!


That had to have been one of the worst Chargers’ moves ever!  They opened negotiations at 60% and then dragged their feet to come correct.  They just came off looking petty and cheap in a year where they need an enormous amount of good will to convince 2/3 of San Diego voters to approve a ballot initiative that will increase taxes on hotel rooms by a measly 4%.  You might think taxing out-of-towners would be a no-brainer, but not in this city.  You’d be hard pressed to get a 2/3 vote on approving breathable air or drinkable water in this town.

Well, at least we signed our 1st Rounder in the 3rd overall pick of the NFL’s 2016 draft.  Let’s hope the Chargers picked right and this kid can play at the NFL level.  He seems serious and I’m a firm believer in the 3rd times a charm.  We’re about 2 weeks away from the first game so let’s hope that’s enough time to get up to speed and out on the field.


BREAKING NEWS: Chargers hire Facebook Spammers to Sway Opinions on Bosa!

The Chargers have apparently determined that it is cheaper to pay their employees to post on Facebook and hire Facebook spammers to sway public opinion in their favor than it is to just pay Bosa what he deserves based on his NFL draft slot.  The Chargers have stolen the playbook from SeaWorld

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This commenter is obviously paid by SeaWorld

with this bogus move of trying to influence public opinion through public commenting.

It is not hard to identify the spammers as they post ridiculously simple slogans such as, “The Chargers organization handled it like a champ. Glad to see that the organization made the effort to reach a middle ground.” – Jimmy King When you review this guy’s profile, it is full of sparsely populated BS to make it seem real but obviously lacks legitimate personal info like 100’s of others we’ve looked at.  You can also tell because these people have no Chargers fan info before this year and live in other parts of the world.  They post stupid, nonsensical BS, that is about how great the Chargers are and pledge dysfunctional loyalty to an ownership group that San Diegans despise with a renewed passion since they tried to steal our team and take it to LA.

They are also having their employees post on Facebook as well, posing as fans!  This is CRAZY!  I assume this post about “class acts” was meant to be an insult to Bosa and the shitty news the Chargers are generating for themselves.  This fuckin’ guy works for the Charger Zone!

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What the hell are The Chargers thinking!?  This is fucking embarrassing.  The Chargers have stolen the playbook from SeaWorld with this bogus move of trying to influence public opinion through public commenting.  It is sad and embarrassing.  You can either believe the shill posts on Facebook or go to real sports sites like PFT and read what REAL NFL FANS think of the Chargers!



The Chargers are Cheap… Period.

Dean Clown car


THE CHARGERS OFFERED 60 FUCKING PERCENT OF HIS VALUE AS THE OPENING OFFER!  Now John Spanos wants to put it on the 3rd Overall Pick because they initially offered a shitty deal that no Round 1 pick would have accepted? “I’m blown away,” Spanos said. “At all costs I wanted to avoid going down this road. They made it overly clear we had no other option. . . . It’s absolutely asinine. He would have gotten more cash in this calendar year than anyone except Carson Wentz.”

Really John?  “At all costs” you “wanted to avoid going down this road”?  Why would you open with a shitty lowball offer?

And now, you’ve fucked any goodwill for a new stadium that this pick might have generated.  You have alienated a potential pro-bowler who will most likely never re-sign with San Diego because of Chargers ownership.  The odds of us picking in the Top 10 next year are decent and now there is a an actual stigma in regard to Top NFL picks signing with the Chargers.  I think it is a foregone conclusion that we will see future top picks decline to be drafted by the Chargers just Eli Manning did.

San Diego has hated Eli Manning a long time because of that stunt but San Diego should redirect that ire towards ownership since the Mannings obviously knew more than we did.  Eli has 2 rings and the Chargers still have none… as in ZERO CHAMPIONSHIPS.  The Chargers are not a winning organization and cannot point to any team policies as winning ways since they have nothing to show for it.  Maybe they should sign their top players like other organizations do?