Tag Archives: nfl

Chargers Risk Future Top Picks in Bosa Stalemate


It is interesting how local mainstream media is applying pressure on Joey Bosa in a number of ways to sign a deal that is unprecedented for a #3 overall draft pick in the new era of the CBA.  The Chargers are the absolute worst when it comes to negotiating contracts which is why all of their top-tier talent leaves and we have no championships to show for it here in San Diego.  The “Eli Manning Effect” is now an actual thing and it will happen to the Chargers again which they have virtually guaranteed with their indefensible negotiating position taken with the #3 Overall Pick in the NFL Draft.  These are known as “unintended consequences” and you know in your heart that it will come at a time when we desperately need that pick!

Everyone from LT to Gates have told Bosa he should report to camp but they were holdouts just like him… and may have an ulterior motive for violating the #1 rule and talking about another player’s contract situation.

“On the surface, it’s not a shock that Tomlinson is taking a subtle pro-team position on this. After all, he currently works for the NFL and, necessarily, each of its 32 teams. At what point, however, does it become relevant for folks like Tomlinson and Antonio Gates to mention that they once had to hold out to get what they wanted from the team, along with plenty of other current and former Chargers — from Drew Brees toPhilip Rivers to Quentin Jammer to Shawne Merriman to Antonio Cromartie toVincent Jackson to Marcus McNeil to Corey Liuget to Eric Weddle and more.” – PFT

Let’s be honest about this.  Dean Spanos is a cheap prick who knows absolute dick about football.  He is the reason this team has sucked for as long as it has.  He could’ve told Marty and AJ to man up and work together like his father would’ve done but he’s a total pussy.  He could’ve realized a long time ago that coaches are more valuable than GM’s.  He is not smart enough to identify these things and probably has no fucking clue why he should change his franchise’s losing ways.  Seriously, what has the Chargers hard-nosed negotiating stance achieved for them or this city? Exactly… not a goddamned thing.  SPANOS IS CHEAP! PERIOD!

Dean Clown car

Let’s not forget that this asshole spent Bosa’s signing bonus on a toxic land dump in Carson 100 miles north of here.  For some reason Chargers fans forget this and it happened 6 months ago.  We might possibly have the lowest NFL IQ of all fanbases here in San Diego.  Fans around the country empathize with Bosa and San Diego for not signing this guy but Bolt Nation is calling this guy a pussy instead of calling out Spanos for being a Cheap Fuck.  SMH

BREAKING: Spanos Can’t Afford Bosa, Spent His Bonus on Carson Stadium Site

Occam’s Razor is a line of reasoning that says the simplest answer is often correct.


“I’ll tell you what (they) paid for the land, it was $20 million,” Roggin said on the Scott and BR show. “The (Carson) mayor told me that. $20 million for 11 acres.” – Link

Say what you want but it is the only logical conclusion with league precedent set with all draft picks for 2016!  The 4th, 5th, 6th, AND 7th pick of the draft all receive way more than 50 percent of their bonus upfront. And every single 3rd overall pick since the CBA setting rookie contracts, has received EITHER 100 percent of the bonus upfront or, most of their bonus upfront and the off set language taken out.

The fact that the Chargers have lost this negotiation has not set in yet.  Perhaps the realization that an #NFL investigation in to the Chargers’ organizational finances will make them perk up a bit which is undoubtedly coming if this does not get resolved soon.  The NFL created new ownership rules for team owner’s families specifically because Bud Adams left the Titans to his family that is not suited to run an NFL franchise.  It is a high probability that the  NFL will conduct an investigation in to one of it’s 32 franchises if they are the only team since the creation of the new CBA to not get a deal done in a timely manner.

There is only one logical explanation…. The Spanos Family ownership cannot afford Joey Bosa.

The other logical explanation is that the Spanos family is not logical which would explain the 38 years of pain inflicted on me by this fucking family and their inexplicable fucking decisions from keeping AJ over Marty to signing Larry Fucking English!  Fuck you Spanos!




Spanos is Synonymous with #EPICFAIL

The fact that this unprecedented hold out in the new era of the renegotiated CBA is still going on is an absolute embarrassment to the #NFL(1) and the #Chargers(2).  This bullshit situation going on with Joey Bosa happens EVERY TIME when the Chargers have to deal with actual talent.  What’s worse is that Chargers’ fans are woefully misinformed about this and think Bosa is being unreasonable or greedy or a “Diva” which is just not the case.

Dean Spanos and clan spent $20,0000,000 on a toxic dump in Carson to try and rip our team away from us and now he won’t pay or can’t pay the #3 pick what he is due based on what lower picks have already received.  The Chargers have zero negotiating room and have lost in the media and the court of public opinion in a year when it has never been more critical as they want a new stadium built.

Dean Clown car

Bosa is arguing that he wants his bonus upfront rather that 60 percent now and 40 percent next year. The 4th, 5th, 6th, AND 7th pick of the draft all receive way more than 50 percent of their bonus upfront. And every single 3rd overall pick since the CBA setting rookie contracts, has received EITHER 100 percent of the bonus upfront or, most of their bonus upfront and the off set language taken out. What he is asking for is not outrageous by any means, it’s actually the standard. As far as saying he hasn’t played a down and he has to prove himself, he proved himself well enough in college to make it to 3rd overall pick by the Chargers, and 1st defensive pick of the draft, therefore he was worth the money in the GM’s mind. Management is just afraid to pick up the phone and discuss with Bosa and his agent because they think it looks weak.


Chargers are Dead-Ass Wrong in Bosa Impasse


The Bolts are giving themselves just enough rope to hang themselves and our stadium hopes.  The Chargers are fucking up their most important season ever and it hasn’t even begun! After 38 years in this city, I honestly wonder if the Chargers will ever do anything right or contend for another Super Bowl in my lifetime / in this city.  They were so bad last year, they got the #3 overall pick.  Awesome right? Not really… If you’re a true Bolts fan, then you knew this was coming.  They did it with Rivers last time they drafted in the top 5.  They did it with Tomlinson who missed most of his Rookie camp in 2001.  They suspended Antonio Gates for 1 game in 2005 where we lost that home opener by 4 in a home game the Chargers were favored to win and ended up missing the playoffs by 1 game that year.  They did it to VJAX also which cost us the playoffs in 2011.


“On the surface, there’s little to discuss. Relying on team precedent, the Chargers remain dug in on the position that Bosa’s contract must include offset language and defer a major chunk of the signing bonus into 2017. Relying on precedent as to the top picks in the draft since 2012, Bosa’s camp wants either no offset language on the guarantee or full payment of the signing bonus in 2016.” – PFT 

So the Chargers have made this BFD(Big Fucking Deal) over the offset language bullshit but Bosa has been willing to accept that IF the Chargers pay the kid all of the money he’s due instead of breaking it up in two payments separated by 9 months.  This has got to be the worst fucking decision the Chargers have made since announcing their alliance with the Raiders to move out of America’s Finest City.

SPANOS FAMILY – WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?  Figure it the fuck out!  Stop putting on your “Bad Idea Pants” everyday and pay the kid like every other NFL team has done already you dumbasses!  GAWD, you’re awful!

Can’t we all just get along!  Just pay the kid so he can play football and help this team you jerks!

BOSA Development… of our Defense!


This is the first draft I have really liked since we got Shawne Merriman and co.  There was a lot of underlying strategy to this draft from drafting Bosa’s teammate, Joshua Perry to drafting the 2015 MAC Defensive Player of the Year who was also a three time first-team All-MAC selection in order to bolster our LB depth.  DEEP… finally!  Let’s just hope we can make it through the pre-season healthy.


In addition to the Defensive additions, I like the fact that we brought in an NFL pedigree FB in Derek Watt who was Melvin Gordon’s teammate and lead blocker in college.  Oh yeah, he’s JJ Watt’s brother and they will face each other this year.  We also brought in a BIG offensive lineman in the 7th round, Donovan Clark.  We also drafted the best TE in this year’s draft who didn’t drop a pass last year… that probably means he’ll drop several crucial passes for us this year if you believe in the “San Diego curse” which is essentially; “We have beautiful weather, great people, and awesome beer so our sports teams are doomed to ultimately fail because we can’t have everything and other cities are not blessed with our amenities so the fairness gods throw them a bone and let them have some trophies.”  San Diegans ultimately come out on top in the long run even though we are usually heartbroken until the next wave of sunshine and swells come through.


Eric Weddle is a Raven

Charger Eric Weddle watched from the sidelines during their recent game against the Miami Dolphins at Qualcomm Stadium. — Nelvin C. Cepeda

In unsurprising news, the Chargers’ front man, Mr. Bad Idea Pants has allowed another Charger great to finish his career with another team.  Just like Junior Seau, Donnie Edwards, Rodney Harrison, Drew Brees, Darren Sproles, and more…  “Better to get rid of a guy a year too early than a year too late.”

What if that extra year was the Super Bowl?

Either way, Weddle is gone and the only consistent factor that made the Chargers D average is now gone.  Weddle led the team in tackles for the past decade… which is NOT a good thing you realize because he is a Free Safety.

All in all the Chargers organization is rotten from the top down.  If the Chargers paid someone on their staff to come up with bad ideas everyday, that person could not even compete with the amount of bad ideas coming out of the front office brain trust.  He would throw up his hands and tell them that he cannot compete with the sheer volume and intensity of their bad ideas.

“It is what it is.” – AJ Smith

Bullshit Facemask Call Highlights Bad Refs… Again!

Bullshit Facemask Call on Rodgers

With all due respect to the #NFL but do you guys ever take off your “Bad-Idea Pants”?  When Belichick suggested that all plays be reviewable this off-season; who was the dipshit that said, “No, we’re not interested in getting all of the calls right.  We’ll just issue an apology the next day and tell people to move on.  It’s better that way and it will keep the game moving.”  In response to that let me just say, “Fuck You” from SD Nation that has been Hochulied or called for “Roughing the fucking center” which was never called before or after that night and was later reviewed and found to be the incorrect call… which happens routinely.

The Detroit Lions started playing not-to-lose and we all know that a prevent defense actually prevents your team from winning so I called the loss an hour before this shitty call but that doesn’t excuse the shitty state of NFL refereeing.  It’s a goddamn travesty to have these dipshits running a multi-billion dollar industry that we care about so damn poorly.  I mean are they actually trying to come up with bad ideas?  Who’s fucking idea was it to suspend Brady for the same amount of time as a dude that knocked out his wife on camera?  Was there absolutely no one near Roger Goodell that might’ve suggested that this was a bad idea?

#NFL Management, you are obviously being run by our parents generation because you lack sincerity, ingenuity, forward thinking, and so much more.  This is evident in your stupid NFL Robot that is 20 years old, your unwillingness to set up goal line and sideline cameras(dipshits – ever hear of GoPro), suspending players for smoking pot(christ you’re stupid #NFL) when it has been proven that it has medicinal properties specifically relating to recovery and head trauma… did I mention legal in several states?, the unwillingness to accept brain injuries resulting from the sport(how fucking dumb are you?), the lack of women having influence at the management level(oh you hired some window dressing after the Ray Rice incident… too little too late again you dipshits), which all leads to very poignant questions…

  1. Did the #NFL hire people to come up with these bad ideas?
  2. Is the #NFL rigged for TV ratings outcomes?
  3. Is the NFL just run by really dumb people?

My guess is #3 unfortunately.  =/